in General

No code: A game changer?

For many years web site owners may have had to go to expensive web designers, web developers, e-commerce specalists to craft their next winning website. Whilst this trend isn’t really going away soon, there is a trend that suggests using no code tools may offer a cheap, fast and effective way of prototyping, testing and launching new products.

What is no code and why should you care?

No code relates to the idea of leveraging software tools to create digital products, content without knowing how to program.

It is seen as a game changer, as it fundamentally shifts power away from web creatives to the consumer. Further, it offers the potential for new product ideas to be created, and validated really quickly.

For myself, I am looking at using Notion or GitHub or JAMStack tools for hosting my primary website as increasing costs and security risks are my main concern.

Don’t develop the value chain, leverage it

If we look at the value chain of a digitial product, it could be characterised as:

Content creation > Generating demand > Capturing Demand > Customer Service

Here are some cool ideas for each layer.

1. Content creation

Sketch, After Effects, Figma, Keynote, Premier, etc

2. Generating demand

Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, HypeFury, Creator Studio, Substack, Notion, etc

3. Capturing demand

Calendly, Shopify, Webflow, Stripe, Gumroad, Product Hunt, AppSumo, Reddit, etc

4. Customer service

Zoom, Loom, Keynote, Slack, Whatsapp, Google Workspace (formly GSuite), Microsoft Teams, Trello, MightyNetworks, TrustPilot, etc


If you want to quickly validate your product idea quickly and at at scale, then no code tools can offer you a quick path at any part of the value chain.

Other resources to check out

Product hunt:

100 No code resources:

No Code Founders:

The future is no code (E-book and Interviews):

The guide to no code marketplaces:

WeLove NoCode showcase:

No Code MBA (Learning):