in General

Swift CoreData is still painful to use

Recently I decided to try and learn a bit of Core data from the ground up. I’m not familiar with all the aspects of Core Data, however, since starting to program with Core Data I remembered why I hated it so much.

Its really painful to setup, use or understand why things work the way they do. Using XCTests to test whether background saving is working is also a pain.

When comparing it with Realm, its night and day. I find Realm really easy to setup. Its easy to understand how the threads work; however, its still not 100% great. One of the aspects is exporting it to Github. Its a very large file, but there are ways to get around it.

I’m hopeful given the advances in SwiftUI, which is fantastic, I hope someone comes back to Core Data and makes it better.

If I stick with it, I’m sure I’ll pick up Core data more.