Brosnan officially says ‘No more Bond’ Pierce Brosnan has finally said “No More Bond” and has revoked his licence to kill according to this article. Having decided to walk away from the Bond Franchise, a number of possible actors are being lined up to replace the 47 year old actor, including Clive Owen amongst others. Also on the Rumor Mill is […]
Trial of Saddam: The next reality television show As soon as Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, stepped into the Iraqi court with his colbalt blue suit and died black hair nearly all of the 24-hour television news shows went ballistic trying to get a ‘piece’ of the action. I began thinking. What is this? The next reality TV show? The 24-hour news […]
The Apprentice comes to BBC2 “You’re fired”, the famous catchphrase of Donald Trump is coming to the BBC with Sir Alan Sugar in place of Mr Trump in a new show that will showcase Britain’s entrepreneurial spirit. With the prospect of earning a six-figure salary and working for Sir Sugar, the opportunity is certainly an exciting one. Although I personally […]
Job Title Generator I found’s Job Title Generator quite amusing. It allows you to generate your own e-job title. I always seem to end up being the Chief Architect of Scalable E-Business Deployment. Here’s another Job Title Generator, but focusing on the Web Economy.
7 Grandmasters This movie had a lot of praise on IMDB and to honest I wasn’t expecting a lot out of this movie. I was, however quite impressed. The movie has Jack Long, a superb kung fu master who wants to retire, safe in the knowledge that he is the best fighter in the country – and […]
Where are the Buffalo Gone? “The Great chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. How can you buy or sell the sky? The warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. Yet we do not own the freshness of the air, or the sparkle of the water. How can you buy them from […]