The Metro sucks If you’ve ever gone on public transit, regardless of where you are in the UK, you’re more than likely to have picked up a Metro; either by habit, or just to get yourself away from the mediocrity that is life. But lately, I’ve come to realise something. The Metro newspaper sucks. Why? Well, there isn’t […]
Robocop vs Terminator (Youtube style) In this really well edited clip, Robocop finally goes against Terminator. I’m really impressed with this clip and showcases the ingeniutity of video editors. Link: Robocop vs Terminator (Youtube style)
Scarface: The world is yours review For the past week I’ve been playing “Scarface: The World is Yours” on the PS2, avoiding the heavily buggy PC version, and I’ve been incredibly impressed and have thoroughly enjoyed the game. You control Tony Montana from the final scene’s of the Brian De Palma movie, and asks the question “What if… Tony had survived?”. […]
Star Trek meets Monty Python In this spoof, they’ve put the audio of the Camelot song from Monty Python and put it over clips of Star Trek. View: Star trek meets Monty Python
Chad Vader Chad Vader is a well known viral about a guy working in a shopping store who seems to dress and talk like “Darth Vader”. The episode list; Chad Vader — Episode 1 Chad Vader — Episode 2 Chad Vader — Episode 3 Chad Vader — Episode 4
Youtube’s sale to Google: Pros and Cons As widely reported across the Internet, Youtube has been bought by Google for around $1.65bn. But what are the pros and cons of this deal? Pros; Increased online streaming of movies/tv programmes — Google’s move towards providing Online streaming movies is increased. Youtube will probably be used as Google’s venture into that field and will […]
Even more 28 day slater Team Tiger’s 28 slater has now completed it’s mini viral series, although it took itself incredibily seriousily towards the end, I really enjoyed the series and look forward to more viral comedy skits from the Team Tiger team; The entire 28 day slater episode’s; 28 day slater: Episode 1 28 day slater: Episode 2 28 […]
Scarface the Game out next week One of the more anticipated games of this month will be the Scarface game. Based upon the hit movie starring Al Pacino, this is a GTA-like action game where you will star as Tony Montana, trying to rebuild his drug empire and taking out other rival gangs as highlighted in the movie. At last they […]
Google to buy Youtube? According to the BBC, Google is set to buy Youtube for around $1.6bn. In my opinion, although it may represent great business to the owners/shareholders of Youtube, I believe it may harm the image of youtube. Google has become a dominating force, along with Yahoo, and MSN. The fundamentals of Google’s “Do no evil” has […]
100 Jobs Blog One of the wittest blog’s I’ve read recently is Oliver Davies’ 100 Jobs Blog. Based in Middlesbrough, Cleveland, Oliver has been applying for jobs that he has no right applying for but which he applies for anyway… As highlighted on digitalspy, Oliver first introduces his blog by saying that, (quote below); Ok, so I’ve had […]