Free SEO Tools There are tons of free SEO tools on the Internet both for developers and businesses alike. Here is a fantastic resource for free SEO tools of all dominations. Link: Free SEO tools
Will WII have a Star Wars lightsabre game? The promos have been great, the graphic look sublime and it’s out this December. Nintendo’s WII may sound dirty, but the fact that Nintendo are trying to go against Sony’s much delayed PS3 and the XBox360 shows that the next generation wars (or NEXTGEN) is starting to heat up – even though we, here in […]
Debunking Screech It seems Dustin Diamond (AKA: Screech from TV’s “Saved by the Bell”) was recently at two major Universities within the UK, including both the University of Glamorgan and the University of Hull, selling out the student union bars with his “unique” comedy styling. Screech was, according to an IMDB source, “was the main attraction of […]
Scenes from Shark Attack 3:Megaladon When “Torchwood” actor John Barrowman appeared on the BBC’s Jonathan Ross evening TV show a couple weeks back, Ross played a clip of a movie so achingly bad it has built its own cult around it. The scene shown on Ross’ show had a giant shark eating a speedboat full of people in whole, with […]
Warrior King: Review To some Tony Jaa is the next big action star, to others just a glorified stuntman. To me, he represents the new face of action. Already movies like Luc Besson’s “District 13”, and Donnie Yen’s “SPL” have shown that people are noticing Tony Jaa’s unique brand of brutal action sequences. Indeed, the new James Bond […]
Invincible Armour Review Directed by Ng See Yeun and starring Taekwondo martial art master Hwang Jang Lee, “Invincible Armour” is set in rural ancient China during the Ming Dynasty where a corrupt high-ranking Ming general (Lee) frames Chow Lu Fong (John Liu) for the murder of a noted dignitary.
Web 2.0 Summit Although it may be over, the third annual Web 2.0 summit in San Francisco overed a wide selection of topics, too many to go through and analyze; but it did come up with some interesting topics. The Web 2.0 Summit focused on business and technology developments that utilize the Web as a platform whilst defining […]
Did Jet Li really quit ‘Kung Fu’ movies? In the media there was a lot of speculation that Jet Li may have quit ‘kung fu’ action movies, indeed ‘Fearless’ was marketed as being Jet Li’s final Martial Art epic. But was that really the case? On IMDB, Jet Li is set to star along side Transporter star Jason Statham in Phillip G. Atwell’s […]
If you can’t solve it, tax it. This week, Sir Nicholas Stern, former chief economist at the World Bank, wrote a damning report (The Stern Review) on how the world would face an economic collapse, similar to that of a World War or world-wide depression if climate change was not averted; affecting people, resources and the whole world as a whole. Naturally, […]
100 fight scenes wastedlife showcases 100 of the best martial art movie fight sequences. I’m not sure if they are meant to be in order, but the breadth of history and knowledge displayed is welcomed as you journey down memory lane remembering some of the more well known fight sequences in movie history. Link: wasted life’s 100 Fight […]