The ‘Joe Eigo’ factor; making money from virals Hot on the heels of sites like Revver and Metacafe, Youtube has recently announced that it will attach advertising to user-submitted videos and give their creators a cut of the profits. Joe Eigo of MultiLevelMovies is one benefactor of the recent pay-for-virals/cut of advertising model that Metacafe employs. Joe Eigo of Toronto has made nearly […]
Stranglehold “Give a man a gun and he’s superman. Give him two and he’s god.” It’s hard to believe that almost 15 years ago (1992), John Woo’s classic “Hard Boiled” hit the cinema’s and our respective TV screens (If you’ve not seen Hard Boiled, I seriously suggest that you do!) I remember back in 1995/1996 when […]
The Pursuit of Happyness: Review Will Smith stars as Chris Gardner in this moving and powerful look at the American Tycoon’s life in the early 1980s. The movie is about Gardner’s tough upbringing, trying to sell expensive medical equipment whilst trying to survive with his long-suffering wife Linda (played by Thandie Newton) and in the meantime bringing up their five-year-old […]
Trump vs O’Donnell In December of last year, a war of words between Rosie O’Donnell and Billionaire Donald Trump erupted and was widely reported across the Internet. But what started the feud? And what’s happened since?
I’m done with 24 hour news media With one pull of the rope, Saddam Hussein – one of the world’s most aforementioned dictators was hung – and within moments the video, audio was broadcast throughout the world for a baying 24 hour news media; and it was at *that* point I decided I would no longer have anything to do with the […]
Christmas TV sucked. If you’re like me, you probably spent Christmas either in the pub or in front of the TV recovering from an almost incurable cold, digesting the contents of the Turkey whilst trying to watch the movie “Big” for the tenth time, or try to avoid watching Bill Murray in “Scrooged” yet again, and most probably […]
Going on Christmas Break I won’t be back (probably) before Christmas. I’m going on a long break and will give some thought about where else to take this blog, if indeed anywhere. Have a great one!
Web 2.0 Awards Earlier this year, SEOmoz held the Web 2.0 awards with over 300 web 2.0 sites in 38 categories, and includes 21 interviews with the founders of the winning sites. It’s an excellent resource to see what visuals are popular, what colours are popular and the methodologies used to create some of the more iconic “web […]
Richard Simmons’ Exploding Steamer Richard Simmons was on CBS long running David Letterman showing off his new steamer. Unfortuently for him, it didn’t go according to plan, with the steamer making quite an impact on Simmons. However, on reflection – it did seem a bit of a set-up though. Link: Richard Simmons’ Exploding Steamer
Is space really worth it? Recently, Professor Stephen Hawking has said that mankind will need to venture far beyond Earth’s boundaries to ensure the long-term survival of the human race. Hawking, adding “Disasters such as an asteroid collision could wipe us all out. Once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. There isn’t […]