Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job? With all the conspiracy theories abounding over the 9-11, Websurdity has compiled a list of conspiracy theories where he suggests that the “Death Star attack was an inside job“. “We’ve all heard the “official conspiracy theory” of the Death Star attack. We all know about Luke Skywalker and his ragtag bunch of rebels, how they […]
Other ‘Future of…’ events I missed out on the Future of Web Apps event that was in February, mainly because I only heard about it the day after it closed (so much for being on the cutting edge of what’s going on in the blogosphere), but I did find some other events: Future of online advertisng June 7th-8th, New […]
Holla Back: Mobile Vigilantes? I’ve been reading the Holla Back New York City blog recently, a blog which a group of young activists (mostly women) started as a means to stop men (or women) making degrading comments, sex pests, or any form of sexual harassment, then post the results on a website. They are fighting back with their own […]
The Apple Poetry Guy A poster on YouTube has published a piece of poetry he performed at an Apple Talent Show, and subsequently got fired for. The poetry is about his telephone conversations with an unnamed “Canadian FedEx Lady”, and towards the end of the movie the movie explained he was fired. However, a lot of posters have come […]
FOWA: Future of Web Apps Event During Feb 20-Feb 22 in London an event called FOWA, or Future of Web Apps even is to be held. Unfortuently I’m a bit late in posting the event, in addition to the fact that the event is totally sold out — so much for being on the pulse and listening to the grapevine. There […]
Unemployed Skeletor’s Video Blog It appears Skeletor has started a video blog – one that’s already captured the imagination of other viralists (yes, I did make up that word, maybe I should copyright it – ah well), a video blog that documents his life post-He man. And boy he sure let himself go. Complete with “man boobs” and a […]
Viral marketing’s dark side Tim Malbon of Daily Social has recently posted an excellent article on how viral marketing, especially via the medium of YouTube can backfire for brands and their marketing executives. As Malbon reports, someone within the marketing department of the supermarket chain “Somerfield” decided (probably in a brain storm) to allow their employees to use Youtube […]
Celebrity Big Brother Posters I’m not commented on the whole “Celebrity Big Brother” thing (Shipla vs Jade). Mainly because there was so much blanket coverage on the media about the situation, it almost became farcical, stupid and just plain dumb. Fortunately, some guys have made some funny post-celebrity big brother posters, in the same vain as the Patriotic posters […]
Where have I seen that ‘Hydrogen bike’ before? The BBC had an item this morning about a hydrogen motorbike that “accelerates like a 125cc scooter. It’s smooth and easy to control, will do 50mph and has a range of 100 miles” and its only by-product is “water vapour”. However when I saw the video of the reporter riding the bike, I couldn’t help […]
Web 2.0 Management Doublespeak Is it me, or is the amount of management doublespeak jargon increasing with every new web 2.0 website? Probably. But I found this viral to be quite funny about the whole web 2.0 doublespeak jargon being sprouted from “marketing experts”. Hak.5 Microshaft Web 2.0 Framework